How World is Slowly Going Against LGBTQIA+ Rights: A Study 

In the ever-evolving world of human rights, the journey towards LGBTQ equality has seen significant strides in recent years. However, like any great movement, progress is often met with resistance. Despite the rainbow flags, parades, and growing acceptance, a concerning pattern is emerging worldwide, wherein some nations are turning back the clock on LGBTQ rights. From the landscapes of Russia to the shores of Indonesia, challenges to LGBTQ community exist, reminding us that the path to equality is not without its obstacles. 

The growing number of people who hold negative views about LGBT people is also a concerning trend. A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2022 found that only 61% of Americans believe that same-sex marriage should be legal. This is a decline from the 67% of Americans who supported same-sex marriage in 2016. 

It is interesting how societal attitudes can sway in different directions, revealing that while acceptance of LGBTQ individuals has increased in some regions, it has declined in other worlds.  

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Russia’s Traditional Values and Restrictive Laws 

Russia, often steeped in the lore of tradition, has embraced a harsh stance against LGBTQ expression. A law prohibiting any public, online, or artistic portrayal of queer life demonstrates the country’s staunch resolve to protect what it deems as traditional values.  

Moreover, in 2023, Russia passed a law that makes it illegal to spread “gay propaganda” to minors. 

This has created an environment where LGBTQ individuals must navigate a perilous path, stifling their identity in order to avoid backlash. 

Hungary’s Battle on the EU Front 

Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary has led a fierce battle against the EU’s push for LGBTQ rights. By forbidding the sharing of information in 2021 about homosexuality and gender reassignment to minors, Hungary has ignited a contentious debate within the European Union.  

The clash serves as a stark reminder that even within the borders of a supranational alliance, differing views on LGBTQ rights can lead to heated divisions. 

Italy’s Complex Surrogacy Standoff 

In Italy, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s administration has enacted stringent measures that restrict surrogacy for LGBTQ couples.  

This surrogacy ban particularly affects male same-sex couples, who may have limited options for starting a family. Those found guilty can face severe consequences, including a maximum prison sentence of two years and fine of up to €1 million ($1.08 million). 

While LGBTQ rights have made significant progress in Italy, the restrictions serve as a poignant example of the delicate balance between individual rights and Italian cultural values.

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Homophobia and Extremism in Africa 

Across the African continent, homophobia often fueled by religious extremism remains a formidable challenge. LGBTQ individuals face discrimination, persecution, and violence, highlighting the deeply rooted cultural and religious beliefs that can impede progress. 

“There’s now an attempt at social imperialism — to impose social values of one group on our society. We’re sorry to see that you [the West] live the way you live, but we keep quiet about it!” said the president of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni when justifying a new anti-LGBT+ law which give death penalty to any homosexual acts. 

Tanzania, South Sudan, Ghana, and Kenya are taking various stringent actions against LGBTQ+ people. One of the sad realities of Africa is that out of 54 countries in the continent, 32 countries have prohibition laws on Homosexuality.  

Indonesia’s Struggle with Intolerance 

Indonesia’s crackdown on LGBTQ rights has escalated with the criminalization of extra-marital sex outside heterosexual marriage.  

The nation’s shift towards conservatism and religious influence has led to a hostile environment for LGBTQ individuals, putting their safety and rights at risk. 

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Resilience Amidst the Offensive 

Despite these offensive setbacks, the LGBTQ movement refuses to be silenced. Remarkable activists, organizations, and movements continue to stand strong. Individuals like Marsha P. Johnson, Audre Lorde, and contemporary figures like Laverne Cox and Ellen Page inspire us with their unyielding advocacy. 

Organizations such as Human Rights Campaign, Stonewall, and ILGA World tirelessly fight for LGBTQ rights globally. Pride parades and celebrations remain a defiant display of unity and resilience, showing that love is stronger than hate. The journey towards equality may be fraught with challenges, but the spirit of this LGBTQIA+ movement continues to light the path forward. 

Final Thoughts  

As the world navigates these complex things, the journey towards LGBTQ equality remains a work in progress. The shifts against LGBTQ rights in certain regions remind us that the fight for equality is not won once and for all. It is upon societies, governments, and individuals to recognize the importance of preserving and expanding LGBTQ rights, fostering a global environment where love and understanding thrive. 

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